
Are you a sustainability freak like us? Are you a hero in modeling, data visualization or
product design? Do you want to experience the work environment of a start-up with a small dynamic team? We are always looking for enthusiastic students who want to use
their skills to make the world a better place.

Practical assignments

At Zenmo we are not only interested in models and software, we also like to get our hands dirty. Now and then we come up with an idea to start a practical sustainability project, like making a homemade powerwall! Do you have your own idea for such a project or you see a project that you like? Send us a message and see if you can work with us!


User experience & Data visualization

We make models and simulations to help our clients understand complex energy and mobility systems. Therefore it is essential that our simulations are easy to understand and tell a clear story. Are you a hero in developing the right user-experience? Send a message to see if you could work with us! 


Energy & mobility system expert

Understanding energy and mobility systems and translating that knowledge into models is an essential part of what we do as a company. At Zenmo we try to integrate the latest scientific findings in our models to give our clients a peek into the future. Do you want to use your knowledge about energy and mobility systems to accelerate the energy transition? Send a message to see if you can work with us!

Agent-based modeling

We believe that agent-based modeling has the future for modeling socio-, techno-, economic-systems. We make our agent-based models with Anylogic, a simulation platform based on Java. Anylogic is easy to learn if you have experience with programming or modeling in languages like Matlab, Python and of course Java. Do you believe in agent-based and do you want to develop your modeling skills? send a message to see if you can work with us!


Data science

Our models and simulations are based on data from governments, grid operators and other sources. We use this data to simulate realistic human behavior, energy and heat demand, and infrastructure. To make this data useful for our models we mostly have to do some interpretation. Do you want to use data to unravel the complexity of energy and mobility systems? contact us to see if you can work with us!

I don't know yet...

You can’t find anything on the list above that sparks you, but you still want to do an internship? Just send a message anyway! Motivation is much more important than skills. We have a lot of experience with students from The Netherlands and abroad and are closely related to the TU Eindhoven. We will always try to work something out.

Question or proposal? Fill in the form!

Do you know exactly what you want for your internship? Or do you have a question? Don’t hesitate and contact Peter Hogeveen by filling in the form. Feel free to attach your CV or motivation letter.